Heat Wave Turns Lloyd Center Ice Rink
Into Community Pool

  • June 26, 2021

As summer kicks into full swing and climate change rears its ugly head, temperatures in much of the Pacific Northwest are creeping towards record highs. Many local businesses have shuttered their doors for the weekend, unable to provide a safe environment for employees or customers. Portlanders without the luxury of air conditioning are desperate for any way to escape the heat, and their salvation may be located in the unlikeliest of places – the largely forgotten relic of Portland’s past, Lloyd Center Mall. ⁣

Mall manager Nadine Bouvier realized Saturday afternoon that the iconic ice skating rink had completely melted. Word got out, and soon, swimsuit-clad Portlanders began arriving in droves. Bouvier decided to make the most of the situation. ⁣

“Well, guess we might as well turn the rink into a community pool. Our dwindling staff wears many hats, as the pandemic has been brutal on the retail, kiosk, and food court industries. All of our Foot Locker and Wetzel’s Pretzels team members already double as zamboni drivers. Now they triple as lifeguards.“⁣

The pool has proven hugely successful thus far, not only as a desperately needed oasis, but also as a reminder that the mall exists. “I honestly thought this place went out of business decades ago,” admitted Phillip Menendez, taking a break from doing cannonballs off the Metro PCS kiosk. “Now that I’m here though, I might as well shop around a bit. Maybe I’ll get a Jamba Juice.“⁣

The Lloyd Center Community pool will remain operational during mall business hours until the water freezes again. Swimmers are encouraged to come as they are. Single use fast fashion floaties are available at Forever 21, towels can be purchased at Bath and Body Works and Sarku Japan will take care of all of guests’ teriyaki needs. Bouvier added one note of caution. “Please don’t run with bare feet on the tile floor. It’s completely overbuffed.”

[ Photo and text courtesy of ‘The Stumptown Scallion’ June 26th, 2021]